A Few Simple Guides to Understanding Guitar Chords We’ve rounded up the best acoustic guitars to help you learn a lot of guitar chords in this lesson. It is easy to learn them. Choosing your first acoustic strummer is fun considering that acoustic guitars should be budget friendly and affordable.

Which guitar chords should I learn first?

C major

C Major is the most common chord. This is the C major chord, or C chord. This can be difficult to learn at first because all chords in a major key are formed by notes from their respective diatonic scale. So keep your right finger on it.


Note: C D E F G A B C

Triad: 1 3 5

F major

Like the C major chord, the F major chord borrows a similar shape. While the second, third and fourth fingers are playing a raga each. It’s also important to note that moving between the F major chord is one of the first chord switches.


Note: F G A Bb C D E F

Triad: 1 3 5

A major

A Major chord is one of the most commonly used chords in guitar playing, here is a small sample of songs that use the A chord.


Note: A B C# D E F# G# A

Triad: 1 3 5

D major

D Major uses a different type of chord shape. It is one of the five basic shapes for learning to play the guitar. They all use the D major chord.


Note: D E F# G A B C# D

Triad: 1 3 5

G major

Your hands are needed to make the G chord shaped like a claw. Switching from this cord to another can be very difficult at first. The tricky part of this chord is hitting that high E string.


Note: G A B C D E F# G

Triad: 1 3 5

E major

E Major has been a fairly unusual key. The E major open chord is similar in shape to the A minor chord,but i like by far the best instrument for e major.


Note: E F# G# A B C# D# E

Triad: 1 3 5

B minor

B minor is still a very common chord shape. B minor is played at the second fret. It can be completely stopped from the first to the fifth string, this chord requires a little more effort to learn than other beginner chords,


Note: E F# G# A B C# D# E

Triad: 1 3 5


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